Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy week past and ahead!

Whew I had a busy week last week and didn't get to post as much as I wanted to. Plust I read 3 James Patterson books. The man is a brilliant writer! I only hope I can write as well as he does. So anyway, I am still waiting to hear about the job I interviewed for. (Did I post that I had had an interview?)

Ultimately I would like to work from home. That is my goal and I have been working hard to make that goal a reality. I am looking into the business registration process and what I need to do get that done. I have also been planning my website and what kind of content that I want on it. I have been writing a business plan which takes up most of my time when I am not running around doing mommmy stuff, or taking care of my grandma who came home unexpectantly yesterday.

One of the blogs that I read does a "What I learned this week", which I just learned about, and I had been thinking of doing something like that on this blog, but what I am planning to do is on the last day of the month blogging about what I learned about myself and life. Due to all the many many things going on lately I do not thing that I would be able to do it weekly. Of course now I am going to have to remember to write down what I learned as I learn it. HAHA. Another thing I am thinking about doing is starting a book club. I LOVE to read and I think it would be a lot of fun to get together with others who are reading the same book. I would like to do it from home, but first I have to find a house to move into lol!

So how is everyone else this week? Hope that all is well with you and I am heading into another week full of business planning, taking care of Grandma, and playing mommy! I have designated weekends as family time as I will be working from 3pm to 11, so on the weekends I will not be blogging or checking emails! :)

Until next time......


  1. sounds great! hope the interview went well, and no, i don't remember reading about it. i did not get the job i interviewed for, hmm, :( i too am trying to start my own at home business thingy, but you kind of need some sort of cash flow to get started. am i right? maybe we can do an online fundraiser for people to donate so we can get started. like those girls who beg for money so they can get boob jobs. hmmm, do i feel a blog post coming on? ;)

  2. do need some kind cash flow to start. That is part of the reason for the business plan :) Working from home would be so much easier as a single mom!
